Welcome to the grounds blog for Calumet Country Club, the source of information related to the maintenance and improvement of the golf course. Check here often throughout the year to learn about the work we do to provide the membership with the best possible golf conditions, look at interesting pictures from the course, get updates on the upcoming and ongoing projects, and get information about course conditions.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Picture Recap

Sorry that it's been a few weeks since I have posted anything on the blog.  We have been very busy working out on the course, but I've still been gathering material for the blog, so here is a picture recap of the work we have been doing the past few weeks.

Cleaned out a drain line near 6 fairway that was VERY clogged with roots.

Weeded and Mulched the areas surrounding the 8th and 9th tee.

Flower Delivery.  They are all in the ground now.

Rose bushes are blooming like crazy.  (I know, we didn't actually do that.)

Mice made a cozy home in a satellite box and chewed up all the wires.  This,
combined with a separate issue cause the pond on 14 to overflow and do...

It's been a very busy spring for the grounds staff, but I'm starting to feel like we are catching up with the to do list.  Many of the projects on the list have been crossed off, and now we are finally getting in to a normal routine.  I hope to see many of you out on this course this Memorial Day weekend, with the forecast calling for 95 degrees on Sunday, I know that I will be seeing a lot of the course!

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