Welcome to the grounds blog for Calumet Country Club, the source of information related to the maintenance and improvement of the golf course. Check here often throughout the year to learn about the work we do to provide the membership with the best possible golf conditions, look at interesting pictures from the course, get updates on the upcoming and ongoing projects, and get information about course conditions.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Season is rolling now

After a weekend with summertime temperatures, the grass is really starting to grow and our tasks and pace of work is starting to feel more and more like the heart of the golf season.  We've had a lot of small projects to complete, and we still have many more to get to.  Now that we are having to keep up with mowing grass our efforts and staff are really ramping up.

One project that was front and center to the membership was the giant hole we cut in the parking lot near the bagroom.  The waterline that runs from the clubhouse to the cartbarn/caddyhouse was leaking again, and instead of trying to find the leak that could have been anywhere in a 50 foot area, we decided to tie the golf course irrigation system into the newer pipe that runs to the cartbarn from the hole we dug.  Here is what our completed work looked like before we filled the hole in with gravel. 

The irrigation pipe is the white pipe at the top of the "T" and the pipe running to the cartbarn is the copper pipe at the bottom of the tee.  The wires that you see are the control wires for the sprinkers in the front clubhouse lawn.  A paving company will be coming out to patch the asphalt.

Something that golfers notice every spring, is that the pond on number 14 is very low.  It's actually only low for a few days and then it gets refilled.  We pump the water out of the pond into the creeks using the irrigation system.  This is done because of road salt.  The pond next door fills up with drainage from the office park roads, and that pond feeds into our pond.  Since the water in our pond is what we water the golf course with, and salt water and grass don't get along very well we need to get rid of this water.  By pumping the water out of the pond and filling it back up with our well water, we can greatly reduce the salt levels in the water that is being used to irrigate the golf course. 

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