Welcome to the grounds blog for Calumet Country Club, the source of information related to the maintenance and improvement of the golf course. Check here often throughout the year to learn about the work we do to provide the membership with the best possible golf conditions, look at interesting pictures from the course, get updates on the upcoming and ongoing projects, and get information about course conditions.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Course Update

The past few years, the trend has been toward's earlier and earlier openings.  Given the somewhat mild and snowless winter we've had until recently, I thought that we were headed in the same direction again.  Unfortunately, mother nature appears to have different plans for us this year.  Some forecasts are calling for us to get eight to ten inches of snow to go on top of the few inches that we still have on the ground.  We will open the course for golf as soon as we can, but under the snow that we have already is a lot of water that came in the form of rain and slush last week.  Our biggest criteria that is used for opening the course is whether the course is dry enough to not have carts and golfers cause damage, and it's going to take some warm dry days to get us there, in the meantime, we will do everything to have the course ready for opening when the weather allows it.  

Course Opening History
  • 2012 - March 14th
  • 2011 - March 17th
  • 2010 - March 23rd
  • 2009 - March 17th
  • 2008 - April 1st
  • 2007 - March 27th
  • 2006 - March 29th
Tee Plates Got Refinished
As you can see, opening day does vary some, but we are getting closer to what you could call a "typical" date.  Until then, the course will be open for cross country skiing!

Until we can get back out on the course to begin prepping for opening, we have been keeping busy with our yearly winter tasks.

Stumps Were Ground
Tee Markers Sanded and...

The deteriorating old wood on the benches was replaced with white oak.

New wood and hardware made the benches look brand new.
Final course accessory project.  Squirrels or woodpeckers keep chewing up
the cedar roofs of the water cooler houses, so they are being replaced
with asphalt shingles.

1 comment:

  1. dammit... global warming is messing up our opening again..... where's Al Gore? nice job on the upgrades...

    Bob Schoenau
